There are different variants of roulette, and two major variants which other variants are based on are the European Roulette and the American Roulette. In online roulette, there is a roulette table with numbers that correspond to the roulette wheel. The dealer drops the ball into one of the numbered spots in the spinning wheel, and you have a chance to bet on which spot the ball will land. All you have to do is guess which numbered/colored spot the ball will stop at. There is a spinning wheel, a dealer, a ball, and you. Roulette runs on a pretty simple game strategy. Thanks to the internet, you’re only a click away from trying online roulette yourself. Since its first play in the 18th century, it has quickly risen in popularity. Roulette is an all-time favourite in both land-based and online casinos. How to Play Roulette with an Online Casino How Do You Play Roulette Online for Real Money?